



Tabular Alumina

Tabular Alumina

Tabular Alumina features high purity and excellent thermal stability, making it ideal for refractory applications, advanced ceramics, and abrasive materials. Enhance your projects.

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Tabular Alumina is produced by sintering ball-formed calcined alumina at a temperature just under the 2040°C fusion point of aluminum oxide. This recrystallizes the normally flat crystals into hexagonal, elongated tablet-shaped crystals up to 400 microns in size. It is possible to convert nearly 100% of the crystals and achieve extremely high chemical purity while maintaining the same hardness and density. It provides high temperature resistance, thermal and chemical stability, abrasion resistance, high mechanical strength and excellent shock resistance.


  • 1. Extremely high refractoriness
  • 2. Excellent mechanical strength and wear resistance
  • 3. Superior creep resistance and peeling resistance
  • 4. Very high chemical purity
  • 5. Excellent dielectric properties and resistance to acid and alkali corrosion
Other Names
Tabular alumina
Grade Standard
Agriculture Grade, Electron Grade, Food Grade, Industrial Grade, Medicine Grade, Reagent Grade
2-5mm 3-6mm
Apparent porosity
5 max
Water absorption
Volume density
Sample Provided
SiC Content (%)
max 0.01%
CrO Content (%)
max 0.01%
Refractoriness (Degree)
1770°< Refractoriness< 2000°
CaO Content (%)
max 0.04%
MgO Content (%)
max 0.05%

Typical Physical Properties

Property Value
Specific gravity 3.96 g/cm3
Bulk density 3.45-3.5g/cm3
Apparent porosity 2-5%
Water absorption rate 0.7-1.5%
Mohs' Hardness 9.0
Knoop hardness 2000kg/cm3
Thermal conductivity (100°C)0.069 cal/sec cm°C
Heat capacity (20°C)0.21 cal/gm/(100°C)
Melting temperature 2050°C
Max. service temperature min 1800°C
Refractive Index 1.76
Appearance White granules or powder

Chemical Composition (%)

Index AL2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 Na2O
Guarantee Value min 99.2 max 0.18 max 0.1 max 0.4
Typical Value 99.45 0.05 0.02 0.32

Key Physical Index

Index Bulk density(g/cm3) Porosity(%) Water absorption rate(%)
Guarantee Value min 3.5 max 5.0 max 1.5
Typical Value 3.56 2.35 0.72

Partical Size Distribution

Size:mm Distribution Typical Values % MAX/MIN %
5-10mm 5-10mm 92 75
7-10mm 7-10mm 58 40
5-7mm 5-7mm 35 20
3-6mm 3-6mm 98 90
4-6mm 4-6mm 55 40
3-4mm 3-4mm 44 20
1-3mm 1-3mm 99 90
2-3mm 2-3mm 52 30
1-2mm 1-2mm 47 30
+2.36mm +2.36mm 8 10
-1mm -1mm 5 10
0.5-1mm 0.5-1.18mm 95 90
0.7-1.18mm 0.7-1.18mm 45 35
0.5-0.7mm 0.5-0.7mm 50 20
0.2-0.6mm +0.6mm 5 10
-0.2mm -0.2mm 4 10
0-0.5mm 0-0.5mm 95 90
0.15-0.5mm 0.15-0.5mm 49 38
-200# +0.088mm 0.3 3
-0.044mm -0.044mm 96 90
-325# -0.044mm 97 85

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